Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Desires are Known

Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, 
and from you no secrets are hid... BCP

 We reach the last day of December with a bit of excitement, maybe a hint of trepidation.

What now?  What Next?

Have you ever asked yourself what desires you have for your life? For your next year? How do you want to feel? How do you want to be in the next year?

My husband and I sat down a few times since Thanksgiving to head on attack these questions with radical honesty. And we made a list of desires for our life, our marriage, our family.

The answer came up over and over, embrace beauty. Embrace the beauty of the daily life, embrace the beauty of parenting, embrace the beauty of our nine-year-old marriage. Embrace the beauty but not just that, live into the beauty. And live into our lives with radical honesty and deep compassion.

Will you think about your desires? And let's figure out together how to keep our eyes wide open to the beauty. I want to dig into my desires so I know what I want, what God wants for me without secrets. Open hearted.

Let's live together in this phase of life.

Live into Beauty.